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Reference List (China)

Policy documents and statistics on disability and education

Ministry of Civil Affairs. (2011) Disability Classification and Grading. Beijing: MoCA.

Ministry of Education. (1994) Temporary Procedures for Implementing Learning in Regular Classrooms. Beijing: MoE.

Ministry of Education. (2009) Views on Promoting the Development of Special Education. Beijing: MoE.

Ministry of Education. (2017) Basic Statistics of Special Education 2016. Beijing: MoE. Accessed at:

Ministry of Education, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Health & China Disabled Persons’ Federation. (1989) Several Opinions on the Development of Special Education. Beijing: MoE et al.

National Bureau of Statistics of China. (2006) The Second National Census of People with Disabilities. Beijing: NBSC.

National People’s Congress Standing Committee. (2008) Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities (revised). Beijing: NPCSC.

State Council. (2017) Regulation of Education for Disabled Persons (revised). Beijing: SC.

Special and inclusive education development

Deng, M. & Harris, K. (2008) Meeting the needs of students with disabilities in general education classrooms in China. Teacher Education and Special Education, 31(3): 195-207.

Deng, M. & Holdsworth, J. C. (2007) From unconscious to conscious inclusion: meeting special education needs in West China. Disability & Society, 5: 507-522.

Deng, M. & Poon-McBrayer K. F. (2012) Reforms and challenges in the era of inclusive education: the case of China. British Journal of Special Education, 39(3): 117-122.

Deng, M. & Zhu, X. (2016) Special education reform towards inclusive education: blurring or expanding boundaries of special and regular education in China. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 16(S1): 994-998.

Deng, M. & Zhu, Z. (2007) The Chinese ‘Learning in a Regular Classroom’ and western inclusive education. Chinese Education & Society, 4: 21-32.

Liu, C. & Su, X. (2014) Sui Ban Jiu Du: An approach toward inclusive education in China. In Florian, L. (Ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Special Education (2nd edition). London: SAGE. 187-202.

Ministry of Education & CNC-UNESCO. (2008) National educational report to the 48th session of the International Conference on Education: Inclusive education in China. Beijing: MoE & CNC-UESCO. Accessed at:

Ni, Z. (2016) Rethinking inclusion: is there a right to inclusive education? Frontiers of Law of China, 11(3): 487-514.

Pang, Y. & Richey, D. (2006) The development of special education in China. International Journal of Special Education, 21(1): 77-85.

Save the Children. (2012) Report on the Development of Special Schools and LRC in Mainland China. Beijing: Save the Children. Accessed at:

Shen, Q., McCabe, H. and Chi, Z. 2008. Disability Education in the People’s Republic of China: Tradition, Reform and Outlook. In Gabel, S. L. & Danforth, S. (Eds.) Disability and The Politics of Education: An International Reader. New York: Peter Lang. 177-199.

Yang, H. & Wang, H. (1994) Special education in China. Journal of Special Education, 28(1): 93-105.

Yu, L., Su, X. & Liu, C. (2011) Issues of teacher education and inclusion in China. Prospects, 41: 355-369.

Children and young people’s experiences of inclusive education

Wang, Y. (2016). Imagining Inclusive Schooling: An Ethnographic Inquiry into Disabled Children’s Learning and Participation in Regular Schools in Shanghai. PhD thesis. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.

Teachers’ attitudes, efficacy and agency

Deng, M. (2004) Comparative study on the attitudes of LRC teachers towards inclusive education between urban and rural areas (Putong xiaoxue suibanjiudu jiaoshi dui quanna
jiaoyu taidu de chengxiang bijiao yanjiu). Educational Research & Experiment, 1: 61-66.

Feng, Y. (2010) Teacher career motivation and professional development in special and inclusive education in China. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Hu, B., Wu, H., Su, X. & Roberts, S. (2017) An examination of Chinese preservice and inservice early childhood teachers’ perspectives on the importance and feasibility of the implementation of key characteristics of quality inclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(2): 187-204.

Ma, H. & Tan, H. (2010) Survey on the status of Learning in Regular Classrooms in Shanghai (Shanghaishi suiban jiudu xianzhuang diaocha). Chinese Journal of Special
Education, 1: 60-63.

Mu, G., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Feng, Y., Deng, M. & Liang, S. (2015) An enquiry into the professional competence of inclusive education teachers in Beijing: attitudes, knowledge, skills, and agency. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 62(6): 571-589.

Wang, Y., Mu, G. M. & Zhang, L. (2017) Chinese inclusive education teachers’ agency within temporal-relational contexts. Teaching and Teacher Education, 61: 115-123.

Yu, S. (2011) An investigation into the current integrated education in ordinary schools in Shanghai (Shanghai shi putong xuexiao suiban jiudu gongzuo xianzhuang de diaocha
yanjiu). Chinese Journal of Special Education, 4:3-9.

Families’ experiences

Feng, C. (2016) A good example of parent advocacy for rights in inclusive education in China. Frontiers of Law in China, 11(2): 323-338.

Human Rights Watch. (2013) “As long as they let us stay in Class”: Barriers to education for persons with disabilities in China. New York: HRW. Accessed at:

Shang, X., Fisher, K. & Xie, J. (2011) Discrimination against children with disability in China. International Journal of Social Welfare, 20(3): 298-308.

Wang, P. (2009) Persevering in the Face of Hardship: Families of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in the People’s Republic of China. In Hodapp, R. M (Ed.) International Review of Research in Mental Retardation (Volume 38). London: Elsevier. 70-89.

Disability in China

Dauncey, S. (2013) Breaking the silence? Deafness, disability and education in two Post-Cultural Evolution Chinese films. In Mogk, M. (Ed.) Different Bodies: Disability in Film & Television. Jefferson: McFarland. 75-88.

Hallett, S. (2014) ‘Enabling the disabled: The growing role of civil society in disability rights advocacy’. In Fulda, A. (Ed.) Civil society contributions to policy innovation in the PR China. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 173-195.

Kohrman, M. (2005) Bodies of difference: Experiences of disability and institutional advocacy in the making of modern China. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Lee, T. L. & Regan, F. (2010) Legal aid for the disabled in transitional China. International Journal of Human Rights, 14(3): 319-342.

Pearson, V., Wong, Y. & Pierini, J. (2002) The structure and content of social inclusion: voices of young adults with learning difficulties in Guangzhou. Disability & Society, 17(4): 365-382.

Potts, P. (2000) A western perspective on inclusion in Chinese urban educational settings. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 4(4): 301-313.

Stone, E. (1997) From the research notes of a foreign devil: disability research in China. In Barnes, C. & Mercer, G. (Eds.) Doing disability research. Leeds: The Disability Press. 207-227.

Sagli, G., Zhang, J., Ingstad, B. & Fjeld, H. (2013) Poverty and disabled households in the People’s Republic of China: experiences with a new rural health insurance scheme. Disability & Society, 28(2): 218-231.

Shang, X. (2000) Bridging the gap between planned and market economies: employment policies for people with disabilities in two Chinese cities. Disability & Society, 15(1): 135-156.

Reference List (China): Service
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